
Corporate website

Ohpen, a cloud-banking software company, was looking for an amazing experience for their new website. Instead of going for the obvious, they wanted to create...

Ohpen, a cloud-banking software company, was looking for an amazing experience for their new website. Instead of going for the obvious, they wanted to create a visual impact and give users a real experience.

Ronin, Ohpen
3D Image

All information on the website about Ohpen's cloud banking platform has been enriched with 2D and 3D visuals. Every page on the website has a new animation to explore, sometimes it's a 3D landscape or animal, other times photography is used with their signature ripple displacement effect. All 3D and smooth canvas effects are real-time rendered.

We didn't take the mobile-first approach but instead made sure that the experience was enjoyable on both mobile and desktop equally. The no-scroll design of Ronin also made the navigation ideally suited for both desktop and mobile. Select one of the pillars of information from the main menu and you will travel through each informational slide to get the full experience.


Every bit of information is manageable directly by Ohpen themselves through the CMS we developed specifically for the Ohpen website. News can be managed and for job openings, we incorporated third-party APIs and job boards. Every time the content changes a new version will be built in the background to our static hosting solution, ensuring that the website can be visited by any number of users simultaneously.